Chagall to Malevich

The Russian Avant-Gardes

Until 26 June 2016

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The art of the Russian avant-garde numbers among the most diverse and radical chapters of modernism. At no other point in the history of art did artistic schools and artists’ associations emerge at such a breathtaking pace than between 1910 and 1920. Every group was its own programme, every programme its own call to battle – against the past as well as against competing iterations of the present.
The ALBERTINA Museum is devoting a major presentation to the diverse range of art from that era: 130 masterpieces by Mikhail Larionov, Natalia Goncharova, Kazimir Malevich, Wassily Kandinsky, and Marc Chagall illustrate fundamentally different styles and their dynamic development from primitivism to cubo-futurism and on to suprematism, as well the chronological parallels between figurative expressionism and pure abstraction.

The exhibition is a cooperation of the ALBERTINA Museum, Vienna and the State Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg.

Image Gallery – 4 Images
Exhibition view, Chagall to Malevich | Photo © Christian Wachter
Exhibition view, Chagall to Malevich | Photo © Christian Wachter
Exhibition view, Chagall to Malevich | Photo © Christian Wachter
Exhibition view, Chagall to Malevich | Photo © Christian Wachter
Exhibition view, Chagall to Malevich | Photo © Christian Wachter
Exhibition view, Chagall to Malevich | Photo © Christian Wachter
Discover the Russian Avant-garde in the video on the exhibition.
Show Video
Video: Chagall to Malevich
Discover the world of the Russian avant-garde by watching the exhibition video.
Show Video
Video: The Russian Avantgarde


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