The International Patrons Circle

The ALBERTINA Museum offers a space for unique art experiences at one of the most exclusive locations in Vienna.
Accompanied by your family, friends and business partners, as a Patron of the ALBERTINA Museum you have the opportunity to visit the ALBERTINA Museum, ALBERTINA MODERN and ALBERTINA KLOSTERNEUBURG 365 days a year without waiting time. Your valuable donation offers you occasions to enjoy exclusive events and encounters with artists, collectors, curators and the General Director of the ALBERTINA Museum.

Get a glimpse behind the scenes of museum activities and meet the great masters in intimate settings.

Join us, become a Patron, get involved!

The annual donation of EUR 4.000,- is considered a contribution to the ALBERTINA Museum for tax purposes and is deductible as a business or special expense.

For questions regarding the Patrons Circle please contact us via +43 1 534 83-562 or with

Werden Sie ein ALBERTINA Patron | Foto © Klaus Ranger
Werden Sie ein ALBERTINA Patron | Foto © Klaus Ranger
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