Egon Schiele

Until 18 June 2017

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Enjoy all works of the exhibition in our Online Collection.

To set the tone for the upcoming commemorative year of 2018, the ALBERTINA Museum is mounting a comprehensive exhibition of artworks by Egon Schiele that positions his radical oeuvre within an epoch characterized by a schism between the modernist and the traditional. 160 of Schiele’s most magnificent gouaches and drawings will introduce viewers to an artistic oeuvre that highlights human beings’ existential loneliness as its great theme while drastically opposing the values of fin de siècle society.

While Schiele is typically viewed as part of Vienna’s turn-of-the-century artistic and intellectual elite, among personalities ranging from Mahler to Schnitzler, from Freud to Kraus, and from Altenberg to Hofmannsthal, this exhibition at the ALBERTINA is conceived according to a different principle: large photographs hanging in the air pit the artist’s works against the reality of his environment, as a visible demonstration of just how out of sync the two were. The real backdrop represented by these photos makes clear the acute discrepancy between Schiele’s output and the society amidst which he lived.

Image Gallery – 28 Images
Exhibition views | Photos © Bureau Kies – 6 Images
This video gives an insight into the work of Egon Schiele between modernism and tradition.
Show Video
Video: Egon Schiele
This video covers the topic of nudes in Egon Schieles work.
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Video: Egon Schiele | The Nude
This video focuses on Schiele's self-portrait in a peacock waistcoat.
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Video: Egon Schiele | Self-Portrait with Peacock Waistcoat
Artist Gottfried Helnwein talks about the work of Egon Schiele.
Show Video
Video: Egon Schiele | Helnwein MY SCHIELE


  • Presented by
    Bank Austria
  • Sponsors
  • Semper Constantia Privatbank
  • Siemens
  • Media Partner
    Kronen Zeitung
  • Partner


Egon Schiele | Exhibition catalogue

Egon Schiele

To mark the 100th anniversary of Egon Schiele’s death, the ALBERTINA Museum is dedicating to the artist a comprehensive exhibition that positions his oeuvre in the electrifying context of Viennese society at the close of the Imperial era, with its uniquely intense clash between modernity and tradition.

Ed. by The Albertina Museum, Vienna
380 pages
29 x 25 cm, Hardcover
German EUR 15,00

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